Full-Service Managed IT Services
In the not-so-distant past, only businesses in a few specialized industries needed IT services, but this is no longer true. For many modern businesses, an employee workstation consists of a phone and network-integrated computer terminal at a minimum. These items might be replaced with tablets or cell phones, but the fact of the matter is that every employee requires access to certain systems within the business. That means that having information technology support is essential.
Many businesses post a position for an IT tech only to find that by selecting a candidate, they have outgrown their need for a single staff member. That’s why so many businesses have opted for managed IT services in lieu of an in-house IT staff member or department.
Flager Technologies is a management service provider that works with businesses and existing IT departments to support their information technology needs and manages to continuously improve services. Call today to speak to one of our representatives about your company’s needs.
Why Companies Require IT Services
There are several reasons why every company requires IT services, including yours.
Data Management
Businesses rely on valuable data about their accounts, customers, finances, inventories, employees, etc. This invaluable data needs to be stored, backed up, and secured to ensure the continuity of the business. An IT service provider can manage services and develop a plan for data storage and backup. In addition, they can develop security measures to prevent data breaches from cybercriminals who might steal your data and sell it back to you.
Glitches and stoppages in your computer systems can lead to shutdowns in your operations. Managed IT Service service desks can detect and respond to issues in a timely manner so your operations can continue to run seamlessly.
On-Premise and Virtualized Servers
Even if you prefer having on-site servers, IT service management can assist you in creating multiple virtual servers for your business’s needs. Virtualization provides many options and can help you expand the capacity of your physical servers.
Cloud Computing Via IaaS
IaaS stands for Infrastructure as a Service. This allows you to tailor computing, storage, and networking to your business’s needs. It’s a much more flexible approach to your technological needs than trying to anticipate the server and storage capacity you’ll need in the future. You can order increased and decreased capacity on a periodic basis.
Desktop Management
Managing a large number of computers, tablets, laptops, and smartphones can be daunting, but a managed service provider can use software to not only manage and monitor all of these devices but also install, move, add, and change (IMAC) devices; ensure that devices have up-to-date malware protection and repair; manage patches; reset passwords; detect and delete non-authorized apps; and more. Desktop management can also integrate employee-owned devices that they use for work.
A full-service managed IT services company, like Flagler Tech, can evaluate your needs and develop a comprehensive list of improvements and upgrades. They can also tailor a package to your budget and requirements. Call today to learn more about how Flagler Tech can help you develop your IT department.
What Are IT Service Management Systems?
IT service management systems believe that all IT needs should be delivered as a service. All requests are submitted as ticket items to be fulfilled by the IT department. For example, if an employee is not able to access an application that they should be able to, they could submit a ticket to the IT help desk and expect prompt service. The service management system can also be used for physical equipment, like a monitor, laptop, or tablet. The employee submits a ticket, and if it’s approved, IT will deliver the requested hardware.
This ticket system is surprisingly efficient and reduces costs and downtime. It also allows the techs not to waste downtime when they’re not needed, which translates to lower costs for your company.
How Managed IT Services Can Save You Money
There’s a simple reason why more and more companies are opting for full-service managed IT services: tailored service at a lower cost. With managed IT services, you don’t have to try to anticipate your hardware and software needs for years into the future. In fact, you don’t even have to know your requirements for the next budget cycle. You can take an ala carte approach to your technological requirements.
In addition, you will not have to staff (or additionally staff) an internal information technology department. You can outsource your tech needs to industry experts who fully understand your business. If you do feel that you require in-house IT personnel, you can either request a designated technician or hire one and use managed IT services to augment a company staff member.
The reason that a company offering managed IT services can provide the same high-quality support and oversight at a lower cost is that they work with multiple clients. Most companies that have existing IT departments are either understaffed because they’re growing or overstaffed because they over-anticipated their needs.
Because of the bespoke approach, a full-service managed IT services company can work with multiple clients. When your company has a particularly high need, the MSP can provide the required resources. During slower times, they can redirect those resources to other clients.
What is the Importance of Having IT Service-Level Management?
Most businesses depend on automated technology to provide the level of service that modern consumers have come to expect. When your company runs into technical glitches, it can result in a revenue-losing work stoppage. Service level management (SLM) can manage change and ensure that your information processes, operations, and obligations to customers or clients are met.
What Services Are Included in Managed IT Services?
Because managed IT services are tailored to your company’s needs, you can select from a variety of plans. Some of the services that Flagler Tech offers include:
Cloud Services
Migrating your data from on-location servers to the cloud can be an intimidating prospect. Our technicians can walk you through the process and prepare your systems for migration to the cloud. We will monitor the process as your data begins to go live on the cloud. Additionally, we can host your company’s data on the cloud to further reduce your cost outlays.
Security and Compliance
Every company needs a security plan to protect itself against intentional threats and inadvertent disasters. Innocent mistakes made by workers continue to be the biggest threat when it comes to cybersecurity. Flagler Tech can help you institute practices that bolster safety, and we can monitor your security protocols to ensure compliance.
Network Infrastructure
Knowing that your data systems have been constructed by IT professionals and that your network can handle the traffic can be a source of tremendous confidence as you manage your day-to-day operations. Additionally, we can design a system that is ready for expansion should the need arise.
Disaster Recovery
Fires, power outages, and natural disasters may cause physical damage to your facility, but your data should be safe in backup servers. Our team can help you develop an ironclad disaster recovery plan to keep your company up and running expeditiously.
Tech Support
The service desk (helpdesk) system manages incidents and service requests to ensure your issue or request is addressed shortly after sending a ticket. With a service desk in place, your employees and managers can be confident that a professional technician is working on their request for efficient service delivery.
Remote Access
In this age of remote and hybrid work, it’s important that your team can access the information and systems they need remotely without putting your data at risk. Managed cloud services will allow your employees to connect from any authorized device, and data encryption prevents a third party from intercepting the information.
These are just a few of the benefits of working with a full-service managed IT services company like Flagler Tech. Contact us with any questions you have.
FAQ About Managed IT Services
We recognize that full-service managed IT services may be a foreign concept for many business managers. These are some of the most frequently asked questions, along with answers from our technical experts. For specific information about your tech needs, contact us at Flagler Tech for a free, no-obligation consultation.
Are Managed IT Services Cost-Effective?
Yes. Among the biggest advantages of working with a managed service provider is that you can save money in multiple ways. You could recreate the services that Flagler Tech would provide, but it would be a far greater financial outlay.
What Types of Companies Use Managed Services?
While nearly all businesses require IT services, small and medium-sized businesses are typically drawn to MSPs. This is because they may not be able to invest the capital in creating an IT department to match their needs — particularly if their resources are being allocated to promoting growth. An MSP can provide cost-effective solutions at a much lower cost.
My IT Staff is Telling Me that We Don’t Need a Managed IT Service Provider. Are They Right?
There are times when in-house techs feel that an MSP is a threat to their jobs. This is almost never the case, however. An MSP can work with your existing staff to help them update their existing systems to run more efficiently. If you have an IT department that you like, there are still services that an MSP can offer.
Full-Service IT for Your Company
At Flagler Tech, our IT specialists have extensive experience assisting our business clients in integrating or upgrading their IT systems, migrating to the cloud, enhancing their security measures, and more. Bring your company into the future with state-of-the-art information systems and tech support while emphasizing asset management, incident management, knowledge management, and service management. Contact a representative from Flagler Tech to discuss your IT needs.
Enterprise Servers (Blades/Rackmount)
Hyper-Converged Infrastructure
Data Center Relocation
Enterprise/Midrange Storage Systems, Solid State/Flash Storage)
Storage Services (Storage Management, Virtualization, De-Duplication, Compression, Orchestration)
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Services
Software-Defined Storage
Cloud Storage (Persistent Block, Object Storage)
Data Center (ToR, Fabric)
Branch & Core (wired/wireless)
Mobility Services
Software Defined Networking
Cost Analysis/Optimization
Application Dependency Mapping
Disaster Recovery
Data Protection
Cloud Networking
Cloud Application Security

Unified Communications (voice, IM, Presence, meeting room)
Video Solutions
Web Collaboration Services
Mobility Services
DeDuplication, Compression, Encryption
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Services
Cloud Storage (Persistent Block, Object Storage)
Isolated Recovery - Ransomware Protection
Block Level Replication
Orchestrated Failover/Failback On Prem - Public Cloud
Application Analytics
Predictive Business Analytics
AI/Machine Learning
Real-Time Root Cause-Security/Ops
Deterministic Operations
Threat Intelligence
Incident Response Planning
Security Operations
Risk Management
Advanced Threat Protection
Governance & Compliance
Risk Mitigation